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Astronomical League YouTube Channel
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Explore Alliance Live
All winners have been contacted by emails sent to their registration addresses Two winners have not responded. If you have not received an email notifying you of your win and requesting your postal mailing address, please check your spam folder. If we do not receive a response by September 21, we will re-draw for the unclaimed door prizes.
Schedule is subject to change.
Schedule of events
Early afternoon
3:00 p.m. EDT
Session 1
August 19, 2021
3:00 Intro Tape/David Levy Scott Roberts/David Levy
3:10 Welcome Terry Mann, Chuck Allen
3:13 President's Welcome Carroll Iorg
3:20 Speaker - VLA Tour by Montana Williams and Tyler Cohen
4:20 Award, presented by Chuck Allen
Webmaster '21 - (1) Don Knabb, (2) Francisco Gonzalez and Frank Kane
4:26 Door Prizes - Shoreline Amateur Astronomers Association, Paul Hummel Astronomical Astronomers Club of Boulder, Chester County Astronomical Society
4:35 Break
Schedule of events
Late afternoon
4:45 p.m. EDT
Session 2
August 19, 2021
4:45 Schedule Intro Chuck Allen
4:50 Speaker - "The Cosmic Web" by Dr. Richard Gott
5:50 Awards, presented by Chuck Allen
Mabel Sterns 2020 - Bruce Bowman
Mable Sterns 2021 Dale Thieme
6:00 Door Prizes - Island County Astronomical Society, Astronomy Club of Asheville, Astronomical Society of Kansas City
6:09 Award - NYAA '21 and speaker introduction, presented by Chuck Allen
6:13 Speaker (NYAA '21 speaker ) Ryan Clairmont
6:48 Break
Schedule of events
8:00 p.m. EDT
Session 3
August 19, 2021
8:00 Schedule Intro Terry Mann
8:02 Awards, presented by Chuck Allen
Horkheimer/Smith 2020 - Vivek Vijayakumar
Horkheimer/Parker 2020 (2nd) - Vivek Vijayakumar
NYAA 2020 (2nd) - Vivek Vijayakumar
NYAA 2021 (3rd) - Vivek Vijayakumar
Horkheimer/Parker 2021 (2nd) - Vivek Vijayakumar
8:08 Speaker into Terry Mann
8:10 Speaker - "Galaxies" by David Eicher
9:10 Award - presented by Chuck Allen
Horkheimer/Smith 2021 (tie) - Tyler Westering
9:15 Door Prizes - The Albuquerque Astronomical Society, Southwest Flordia Astronomical Society, Charlottesville Astronomical Society
9:24 Break
Schedule of events
9:45 p.m. EDT
Session 4
August 19, 2021
9:45 Schedule Intro Chuck Allen
9:47 Keynote speaker intro Terry Mann
9:50 Speaker - "Chasing the Northern Lights" by Alan Dyer
10:50 Awards, presented by Carroll Iorg and Ron Kramer
G.R. Wright 2021 - Reflector staff - Kristine Larsen, Kevin Jones,
Dan Crowson, Michael Patterson, Carla Jones,
Special Awards - Ron Kramer, John Wagoner
10:57 Award, presented by Chuck Allen
NYAA 2020 (1st) - Karen Lei
11:00 Speaker - Library Telescope Program/Giveaway by John Goss
11:30 Door Prizes - Hill County Astronomers, Northwest Suburban Astronomers, Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas
11:39 Outro Tape Scott Roberts
Schedule of events
Early afternoon
3:00 p.m. EDT
Session 5
August 20
3:00 Intro Tape Scott Roberts/David Levy
3:09 Welcome/Schedule Intro Terry Mann, Chuck Allen
3:11 Business Meeting Carroll Iorg
Council Meeting Key Points, Election Results, Financial Report
(Treasurer, Trustee Treas.), Website Upgrade
3:41 Awards, presented by Chuck Allen
Peltier 2020 - Howard Brewington
Peltier 2021 - Don Machholz
3:51 Speaker - Did Carolyn Shoemaker have a sense of humor?
by David Levy
4:26 Door Prizes - Evansville Astronomical Society, Back Bay Amateur Astronomers, Mark Simonson (table)
4:35 Break
Schedule of events
Late Afternoon
4:45 p.m. EDT
Session 6
August 20
4:45 Schedule intro Terry Mann
4:47 Speaker intro Terry Mann
4:50 Speaker - "Slooh" by Paul Cox
5:50 Door Prize - Slooh membership (LIMITED: YOUTH AWARD APPLICANTS)
5:53 Awards, presented by Chuck Allen
Horkheimer/D'Auria 2020 - Jai Shet
Horkheimer/Parker 2020 - Jai Shet
Horkheimer/Parker 2021 - Jai Shet
Sketching 2020 - Richard Fracini
6:01 Speaker intro Chuck Allen
6:03 Speaker - RASC
7:03 Door Prizes - Chuck Allen, Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri, Milwaukee Astronomical Society
Schedule of events
8:00 p.m. EDT
Session 7
August 20, 2021
8:00 Schedule Intro Chuck Allen
8:02 Award, presented by Carroll Iorg
Astronomical League 2020 - TBA
8:10 Awards, presented by Chuck Allen/Scott Roberts
NYAA 2021 (2nd) - Tarun Kota
Mabel Sterns 2021 (2nd) - Andrea Kuhl
8:18 Speaker - IOTA "Near Earth Asteroid Occultations" by Dr. David Dunham
9:18 Door Prizes - Omaha Astronomical Society, Central Arkansas Astronomy Association, Olympic Astronomical Society
9:26 Break
Schedule of events
9:45 p.m. EDT
Session 8
August 20, 2021
9:45 Schedule intro Terry Mann
9:47 Award and speaker introduction Chuck Allen
Horkheimer/Smity 2021 (tie) - Conal Richards
9:52 Speaker: "Rising Stars: The Next Generation of Amateur Astronomers"
Conal Richards
10:27 Speaker intro Chuck Allen
10:30 Speaker - The Hunt for NEOs and Planetary Radar - Dr. Brian Haidet
11:30 Door Prizes - Astronomical League, Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, Everett Astronomical Society
11:39 Outro tape Scott Roberts
Schedule of events
Early afternoon
3:00 p.m. EDT
Session 9
August 21, 2021
3:00 Intro tape Scott Roberts/David Levy
3:08 Welcome/Schedule Intro Chuck Allen
3:11 Keynote speaker intro Chuck Allen
3:15 Keynote Speaker - "The Discovery of Pulsars in Context"
by Dr Jocelyn Bell Burnell
4:15 Award, presented by Terry Mann
Horkheimer/O'Meara 2020 - Lucia Castillo
4:23 Door Prizes - Astronomical League, Robert Scott (table), Buffalo Astronomical Association
4:32 Break
Schedule of events
Late afternoon
4:45 p.m. EDT
Session 10
August 21, 2021
4:45 Schedule intro Terry Mann
4:47 Speaker "Back to the Future: Lunar Exploration" by Dr. Caitlin Ahrens
5:47 Award, presented by Chuck Allen
Sketching 2021 - Michael Rosolina
5:50 Speaker intro Terry Mann
5:53 Speaker - Perseverance Team Presentation by Dr. Larry Crumpler
6:53 Door prizes - Terry Mann, Houston Astronomical Society (2 door prizes), New Hampshire Astronomical Society
Schedule of events
Saturday Evening
8:00 p.m. EDT
Session 11
August 21, 2021
8:00 Schedule intro Terry Mann
8:02 Award, presented by Terry Mann/Carroll Iorg/Scott Roberts/David Levy
Astronomical League Award 2021 - Carolyn Shoemaker (in memoriam)
8:17 Speaker intro Terry Mann
8:20 Speaker - "Darkness in Distress" by Kelly Beatty
9:20 Door prizes - Neville Public Museum Astronomical Society, Eugene Astronomical Society, Twin Cities Astronomical Society
9:29 Award, presented by Chuck Allen
Horkheimer/O'Meara 2021 - Mary Kate Bauer
9:37 Break
Schedule of events
9:45 p.m. EDT
Session 12
August 21, 2021
9:45 Schedule intro Terry Mann
9:47 Speaker intro Chuck Allen
9:50 Speaker - "Three Decades of the Hubble Space Telescope"
by Dr. Chris Gainor
10:50 Award presented by Chuck Allen
Williamina Fleming Awards - Molly Wakeling, Lyn Peterson, Terry Mann
10:59 Observing Program Division Aaron Clevenson
11:14 Door prizes - Southern Maine Astronomers, Fort Worth Astronomical Society, Grand Door Prize presented by Terry Mann and Scott Roberts
11:23 President's Closing Remarks Carroll Iorg
11:28 Closing Terry Mann, Chuck Allen
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